From the beginning, the war in Ukraine has taken one surprising turn after another. But in war, such surprises mean there have been mistakes, mistakes that essentially boil down to intelligence. In this war, those errors have been colossal on both sides: Russian and American intelligence have made epic fails. One example of ineptitude, out of the many on record? Both sides were convinced that the war would be a lightning strike, with the Russian army wiping out Ukraine’s resistance in ten days or so. In this book, Aldo Giannuli brings his own knowledge of the secret services to bear on the operations of the agencies, and their fumbles, in the war in Ukraine. His analysis also benefits from his skills as a historian. Indeed, to understand the role played by the secret services and their decisions, as well as the meaning of the war in progress, the facts have to contextualized, in order be able to figure out the “real Russia” and its long history as a “military empire”, all the while aware that “what is happening in Ukraine is, without a doubt, the most important conflict since 1945.” If we keep getting it wrong, our mistakes could well spell disaster. Aldo Giannuli is a researcher in contemporary history at the University of Milan, and for several years, he advised the district attorneys of Bari, Milan (on the Piazza Fontana bombing), Pavia, and Brescia (on the Piazza della Loggia attack), as well as Rome and Palermo. From 1994 to 2001, he collaborated with the Commission on Terrorist Attacks, and saw his name in the headlines when, in November 1996, he helped locate a large number of documents not catalogued by the Confidential Affairs Office of the Ministry of the Interior, since they had remained hidden in what would be dubbed the “Via Appia Archives”. That intense season of research and study would take the form of several books by Giannuli, including those brought out by L’Unità, such as Strategie della tensione (2005), Bombe a inchiostro (2008), L’abuso pubblico della storia (2009) and Il noto servizio, Giulio Andreotti e il caso Moro (2011). The author moved on to explore other areas of contemporary history and current events, with a special focus on intelligence and open-source intelligence in our information society, and the challenges posed by globalization and the crisis in the processes of modernization as they are traditionally understood. All these issues are examined in his books Come funzionano i servizi segreti (2009), 2012 la grande crisi (2010), Come i servizi segreti usano i media (2012), Uscire dalla crisi è possibile (2012), and Guerra all’Isis (2016). Giannuli’s most recent works are La strategia della tensione (2018), Storia della “Strage di Stato” (2019), Mafia mondiale (2019), and Coronavirus: globalizzazione e servizi segreti (2020).

SPIE IN UCRAINA2022-11-27T12:06:41+01:00


Judith Pombo, a wealthy businesswoman and president of the most exclusive tennis club in Santander, is found dead in the cabin of a schooner belonging to the club, while a gala dinner is underway on the vessel. She’s been stabbed in the heart, yet the cabin was locked from the inside, no one else was in the cabin, and the murder weapon is missing. Guardia Civil lieutenant Valentina Redondo thus finds herself faced with the toughest case of her career just when she’s struggling to put the pieces of her private life together in the wake of a recent loss. She and her mixed bag of a team delve into some of the high society’s most unspeakable secrets, and by doing so come to know the murder victim, a powerful and high-handed woman, as well as all the guests invited onboard that fatal evening: each of them might conceivably think they have something to gain, rightly or wrongly, from Judith’s death. María Oruña was an attorney for ten years before she decided to self-publish her first novel, La mano del arquero, in 2013. Two years later, she gave up her legal career to devote herself full-time to being a novelist. And indeed, that year her novel Puerto escondido came out to critical and popular acclaim and kicked off a series that would be equally successful. It was followed by:  Un lugar a donde ir (2017), Donde fuimos invencibles (2018), Lo que la marea esconde (2021, Quel che la marea nasconde), and El camino del fuego (2022). The fourth of five novels about the investigations of Valentina Redondo (a character inspired by author Dolores Redondo, more from a personal than a literary point of view), Quel che la marea nasconde is the first to be translated into Italian. The novels in the series are set in Cantabria, in the cities of Santillana del Mar, Comillas, and Suances. For this reason, the Municipality of Suances seized on the series’ popularity to create a ‘Puerto Escondido Literary Itinerary’ which guides fans through the locations in the novels. In 2020, Oruña published the novel El bosque de los cuatro vientos.

LO QUE LA MAREA ESCONDE2022-11-26T19:08:40+01:00


United States, 2024. Now eighty-two years old, the current president of the country, Jeremy Williams, announces he won’t run for the next elections, and the Democratic Convention goes on to nominate the first potential woman president. Her name is Nathalie Brooks. She’s the governor of Arizona, known for her steely determination, her brilliant political career and her WWII hero father, who had been decorated by Eisenhower himself and was a member of the Congress. Who else but Nathalie Brooks could lead the world’s largest democracy into the future? At the same time, in Moscow, the president of the Russian Federation is delighted at this news, since the nomination is the highest achievement of the Operation Kazan, a plan hatched exactly one century earlier by the secret service; it was operative during the Cold War and even after the disintegration of the Soviet Union. It’s an operation that is proving to be a golden opportunity to change the fate of the planet and launch the most diabolical attack on the U.S.A. ever conceived. Published before the recent Russian offensive that currently threatens all of Europe, this novel interweaves truth and fiction to take readers on a surprising journey back in time, from the Russian Revolution of 1917 to the Normandy landings, the fall of the Berlin Wall, and up to the present day. Vicente Vallés studied journalism at the Faculty of Information Science at the University Complutense in Madrid and started his thirty-year career as a journalist first in radio, then in television: as a sports reporter on TVE and then at Spain’s leading television networks: as a writer in the political section, the head of the national section, the news director, and lastly, as a director and host of news shows, debates, interviews, and in-depth reports. Over the course of his career, Vallés has had the chance to cover many of the world’s major events since the 1980s, such as elections in Spain, the U.S., France, and the U.K.; the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York on September 11, 2001; in Madrid on March 11, 2004; and several other terrorist attacks on European cities such as Paris and Nice. He has moderated four Spanish election debates between the candidates for the presidency and now hosts a popular news program on Antena3. Vallés has received numerous awards, such as the Salvador de Madariaga, the International Press Club, the Antena de Oro, the Iris Awards of the Television Academy, and the 2016 Ondas Awards. His first novel has topped the Spanish bestseller lists for months now and has won the 2022 Primavera de Novela Award. His previous books were works of non-fiction: Trump y la caída del imperio Clinton (2017), about the rise of Donald Trump to the American presidency; and El rastro de los rusos muertos (2019), about Vladimir Putin’s international policy and the mysterious deaths of Russian spies and diplomats in recent years.

OPERACIÓN KAZÁN2022-11-26T18:59:10+01:00


A seldom-seen play by Orson Welles, and a “masterpiece of stagecraft”, in the words of Le Monde. Never published in English, it appeared in print in France in 1952 and then vanished. Now this brilliant satire is a genuine rediscovery of the American filmmaker’s literary talent. “The Unthinking Lobster takes place in Hollywood,” Orson Welles explained, “while the town is in the grip of a cycle of religious movies. On one set an Italian neorealist is making the story of a saint like Bernadette who worked miracles and cured the sick. He has just fired the star and replaced her with a secretary from the typists’ pool because she seems to have a more spiritual quality. The scene they’re shooting has a lot of cripples in it, and the Italian has insisted that they must be real. She blesses them and — behold! — they throw away their crutches — they are cured! So Hollywood becomes the new Lourdes. Little pieces of film are sold as holy amulets… Except for the trade in sacred relics, business is terrible. The industry is only saved by the arrival of an archangel who goes into a conference with the studio heads, and makes a deal with them: heaven is prepared to suspend any further miracles in Hollywood if, in exchange, Hollywood stop making religious pictures.” Gianfranco Giagni was an AD to Mauro Bolognini on films and to Alberto Negrin in television. He has made numerous music videos for Italian and foreign artists, including Vasco Rossi, Fabio Concato, Loredana Bertè, Matia Bazar, Ron, Miguel Bosé, and Madness. He has directed TV series (Valentina, 1989; Donna, 1995) and documentaries about Rome’s Chinese community (Un cinese a Roma, 2004), the city’s Mercati generali (Un mondo a parte, 2002), and Orson Welles (Rosabella: la storia italiana di Orson Welles, which premiered in Viareggio at Noir in Festival in 1992). Other subjects were the famed costume designers Tirelli (Sartoria Tirelli: vestire il cinema, 2006), and the production designer Dante Ferretti (Dante Ferretti. Scenografo italiano, 2010), which earned Giagni a Silver Ribbon and a Globo d’oro in 2011. In 2012, he and Fabio Ferzetti co-wrote and directed the documentary Carlo!, about actor Carlo Verdone. Four years later, Giagni turned out Le scandalose – Women in Crime. He had made a medium-length film, Faits divers, set in Marseille, in 1991. He has two feature films to his credit: Il nido del ragno (1988) and Nella terra di nessuno (2001).

THE UNTHINKING LOBSTER2022-11-26T18:31:47+01:00


November 25th. The city is thronged with tourists and locals in the run-up to Christmas. Business is booming at the B&B belonging to Carmela, Lolita Lobosco’s sister. One of the guests is a Roman writer, Enrico Fasulo, who has decided to hole up in Bari for a few weeks to set to work on his new book. Carmela is drawn to her guest and cooks up all her specialities to serve him, including a superb scammaro, courtesy of her grandmother Dolò’s recipe. But the next day, the man is found dead, and the police accuse Carmela of manslaughter. Lolita is kept off the case, endures pressure from her family, and is going through a rough patch with her beau, Caruso, but none of the above stop her from doing what she does best: investigate, in order to prove her sister’s innocence once and for all. Gabriella Genisi has written numerous novels and created the character of Lolita Lobosco, protagonist of ten novels published by Sonzogno that have generated a TV series directed by Luca Miniero and starring Luisa Ranieri. The first eight are: La circonferenza delle arance (2010), Giallo ciliegia (2011), Uva noir (2012), Gioco pericoloso (2014), Spaghetti all'Assassina (2015), Mare nero (2016), Dopo tanta nebbia (2017), and I quattro cantoni (2020). This year Genisi has turned out two more Lolita Lobosco novels: Terrarossa, and Lo scammaro avvelenato e altre ricette.  Another of Genisi’s mainstays is the woman carabiniere from Italy’s Salento region, Chicca Lopez, who first appeared in the 2019 novel Pizzica amara, published by Nero Rizzoli and optioned by Fabula Pictures. In 2021, she published the second installment of that series: La regola di Santa Croce.



A young woman is found dead following an overdose in the abandoned psychiatric hospital in Aguscello, outside of Ferrara, in Emilia. Her identity is unknown. Yet in the forty-eight hours between the discovery of the body and the start of the autopsy, the young woman disappears. Actually walked way, according to one witness: a rare case of apparent death. And Inspector Nives Bonora, Emilian in every way – passionate, pragmatic, empathetic, and vivacious – comes up against the case of a ghost victim and a story rotten to the core, which sees East European criminals in cahoots with Ferrara’s upper crust. Against all expectations, Nives‘ courage, impulsiveness, and streak of folly lead her to take outrageous risks that will ultimately help her crack the case, and in her own, barely legal way. She’ll also have to face the many complications of her private life, from her relationships with her father, a retired carabiniere, and her grandmother, who brought her up, to her bond with Inspector Brandi, her hostile boss and also sometime lover. Cinzia Bomoll, with Romani roots on her mother’s side, grew up in Bologna, where she graduated with a literature degree, then moved to Rome, New York, and the Mojave Desert in California, before returning to Bologna, where she now lives. She’s been writing since a very early age, with a story in the 1998 collection Quello che ho da dirvi (edited by Giulio Mozzi, Einaudi) as her debut. She has published the novels Lei che nelle foto non sorrideva (Fazi, 2006), 69 (Fazi, 2011), and Cuori a spigoli (Ianieri, 2019). She is also a screenwriter (winner of the 2020 Solinas Award) and film and television director. She has made three feature films: Il segreto di Rahil (2007), Let’s Dance (2010), and La California (2022), selected for the Freestyle section of the 17th Rome Film Fest. La ragazza che non c’era is her first mystery novel.

LA RAGAZZA CHE NON C’ERA2022-11-26T18:20:40+01:00


In the large, dark house on the hill, a child lives all alone, all the time. Her name is Eva, she’s ten years old, and she has a governess and a Finnish au pair girl named Maja Salo for company.  There is no trace of her parents. It will be Maja who desperately seeks help from Pietro Gerber, the top hypnotist in Florence: the man who puts children to sleep. The truth is, Eva hasn’t really been alone for a while; she has an imaginary friend at her side, nameless and faceless. And this presence may be putting Eva in danger. But Pietro Gerber’s reputation is in shreds, and he’s pretty shaky himself, to a certain point. Confused and unsure of his own future, Pietro reluctantly agrees to take on Eva. More precisely: her imaginary friend. And that is when an invisible door suddenly yawns open before him, because the voice of the lost child who speaks through Eva, during hypnosis, is a voice that he knows. Above all, that voice knows Pietro. It know his past, and it seems to possess a hidden truth about something that happened one hot summer, when Pietro was a child. Because Pietro Gerber died at age eleven. And the mysterious event that happened after his death still haunts him. Donato Carrisi studied criminology and behavioral science after receiving a law degree, his thesis being on Luigi Chiatti, known as the “Monster of Foligno”. He started writing for film and television in 1999. He wrote the screenplay for Nassiryia – Per non dimenticare (Canale 5), and the story and screenplay for the thriller mini-series Era mio fratello (Raiuno). For Raitre, Carrisi wrote and hosted the prime-time Saturday program Il sesto senso. He is also a regular contributor to the Corriere della Sera. In 2009 he wrote his first novel, Il suggeritore [The Whisperer], in 2009; published by Longanese, it won the Bancarella Prize. His second novel, Il tribunale delle anime (2011) [The Vanished Ones], was shortlisted for the Giorgio Scerbanenco Award. It would be his 2012 novel, La donna dei fiori di carta, that attracted international attention. His 2013 novel L’ipotesi del male did win the Giorgio Scerbanenco Award. In 2017, Carrisi made his directorial debut with The Girl in the Fog, which won the David di Donatello for best debut film. The same year, his novel L’uomo del labirinto came out, and would be turned into a film, Into the Labyrinth, Carrisi’s second directorial turn, in 2019. In between the two films, he published another novel, Il gioco del suggeritore [The Whisperer’s Game, 2022], in 2018. This year Carrisi has completed his third film, Io sono l'abisso [I Am the Abyss], based on his novel of the same name, published in 2020. Eva, the protagonist of La casa delle luci, also appears in a children’s book, Eva e la sedia vuota, also published by Longanesi, with illustrations by Paolo D'Altan.

LA CASA DELLE LUCI2022-11-26T18:16:01+01:00


Milan’s police headquarters. Giuliano Casablanca, known as Ginko, is a young police commissioner newly transferred from the Homicide Division to the Passport Office. He and his team – Panettone, an overweight cop; Zhong, a Sino-Roman who opted for a state job instead of his father’s bar; and Minimo Sindacale, an indefatigable loafer – duly appear installed in a relaxing, monotonous desk job, daily fighting, at most, the red tape. Milan is a city full of surprises, though, and its dark side lurks behind its organization and efficiency. The commissioner hankers back to his investigating days, so when the Police Chief is on vacation, he pieces together the story of one Issa, from Mali, an escapee from the refugee facility in Via Sammartini, hard by the tracks in the Central Station. He was found dead on the top of a train heading to Switzerland. What looks at first like a simple accident involving a migrant seeking his freedom turns out to be a tale of drug trafficking and abuse. RAI journalist Paolo Maggioni is a correspondent for Rai News 24 and for the Radio 1 program Forrest, hosted by Luca Bottura. He himself was a host and writer of Caterpillar (Rai Radio 2), and also with Radio Popolare from 2002 to 2011, on the program jalla!jalla!, among others. Maggioni made a radio-documentary on Beppe Viola, which became the TV program Quelli che... Beppe Viola, which he co-wrote with Paolo Aleotti. Over the course of his career, he has won two journalism awards: a Special Mention at the 2010 Sodalitas Awards (for Onde Road – Tour del Rwanda, with Marco Pastonesi), and a Special Mention at the 2012 Mauro Rostagno Awards (for Mauro acchiappava notizie, directed by Marco Ligabue). He teaches in the Master’s program for journalism at Milan’s Catholic University.



Milan, 1920. One morning, as he leaves home, police commissioner Carlo De Vincenzi entrusts a blue folder to the concierge at his address in via Massena, telling her a journalist, a certain Augusto De Angelis, will be stopping by to pick it up. The matronly Matilde Maria Ballerini takes a peek at the papers inside, only to find that alongside photos and postcards are the stories of some of the most amazing encounters the “poet of crime” has made over his career and investigations into break-ins at his home and at Sant’Eustorgio, into bodies found drowned in Milan’s canals, murdered atop the Torre Littoria, or right in the middle of the Armor Room at the Castello Sforzesco. Plus special encounters with famous figures the Milan police have dealt with, like Riccardo Bauer, Gio Ponti, Ho Chí Minh, Alfred Hitchcock, and Antonio Gramsci. Luca Crovi, an expert in noir novels, writes for various newpapers and magazines and is the author of the monograph Tutti i colori del giallo (2002), which was turned into a radio program of the same name on Radio2. He has four novels to his credit – L’ombra del campione (2018), L’ultima canzone del Naviglio (2020), Il Gigante e la Madonnina (2022), and Il mistero della torre del parco e altre storie (2022) – all featuring commissioner Carlo De Vincenzi, iconic protagonist of earlier cult mysteries written in the ‘30s and ‘40s by Augusto De Angelis, and adapted for the small screen by Paolo Stoppa in the ‘70s. Crovi is a long-time juror for the Scerbanenco Award and collaborator with Sergio Bonelli Editore, the Milan publisher for whom he edits the comics series on Commissioner Ricciardi, the Bastards of Pizzofalcone, and Deadwood Dick.



This story starts with a naked woman, dead, the belt of a bathrobe wrapped around her neck. That doesn’t necessarily mean she was strangled. It continues with a suspect who’s half-Sicilian, half-Tunisian, and half-Croatian, and 100% mysterious. It then delves into a sting operation to catch drug dealers, possibly connected to the crime. Or not. In other words: a story in which nothing is as it seems. There’s little to go on for the scrupulous Inspector Giovanni Armani and the sarcastic district attorney Giacomo Cacciaguerra, both probing the murder alongside – though they’d rather be miles away from – the disastrous yet oddly lucky Agent Salvo Buonfine. Irony is, Armani thought that the police headquarters in Como, where he hailed from, would be a safe haven, when he was transferred there after a tragic accident on the job. And yet, this complex investigation, with all its surprising twists, might well be hiding a case of love at first sight. The name of Gino Vignali (Milan) is inextricably linked to that of Michele Mozzati. They’ve been partnering up since college, going by the moniker Gino & Michele. With others, they came up with the datebook Smemoranda. Present at the founding of the Italian cabaret phenomenon Zelig, they helped it evolve and created the TV program of the same name. Their stage credits date back to Comedians and Eldorado (1985-1986), which they co-wrote with Gabriele Salvatores for the Teatro dell’Elfo. From 1986 to the late ‘90s, the duo worked their magic for Paolo Rossi’s stage hits, including Chiamatemi Kowalski, C’è quel che c’è, and Operaccia romantica.  They did the same for Aldo, Giovanni & Giacomo from 1995 to 1999, writing theatrical sketches the likes of I corti a Tel chi el telùn. The two-man team has published several books, such as Anche le formiche nel loro piccolo s’incazzano (1991), Saigon era Disneyland (in confronto) (1991), Il pianeta dei Bauscia: viaggio al centro della Lega (1993), and Neppure un rigo di cronaca (2000). On the film front, they penned the dialogues in Kamikazen – Ultima notte a Milano by Salvatores (1988) and Volere volare by Maurizio Nichetti and Guido Manuli (1991). They also had a hand in scripting Così è la vita by Aldo Giovanni & Giacomo (1998). Vignali made his debut as a noir novelist in 2018, with La chiave di tutto: inverno (Solferino, 2018), the first installment of a quartet set in Rimini, each in one of the four seasons of the year and all featuring Costanza Confalonieri Bonnet, the well-born deputy police chief with a suite at the Grand Hotel. Vignali went on to publish Ci vuole orecchio: primavera (2019), La notte rosa: estate (2019), and Come la grandine: autunno (2020). With his latest, I milanesi si innamorano il sabato, Vignali changes the characters and the atmosphere, but sticks to the fast clip and the playful tone.