In the dead of a night like any other, Irene’s phone trills. It’s her ex-boyfriend Pietro she hasn’t heard from in months, since they broke up. She hesitates, then answers. Pietro is delirious, and his confused mutterings suggest he could be about to commit a desperate act. All Irene can do is go out in the night, drive through the deserted streets, and stay on the phone, hoping to reach him in time.
Manfredi Lucibello
Jacopo Del Giudice
based on the novel of the same name
by Alessandra Montrucchio
Emilio M. Costa
Diego Berré
Emiliano Locatelli
production design
Noemi Marchica
Ginevra De Carolis
Barbara Ronchi (Irene)
Claudio Santamaria (Pietro)
Carlo Macchitella
Pier Giorgio Bellocchio
Manetti bros.
with Rai Cinema
Italian distribution
I Wonder Pictures

“The first line of the novel Non riattaccare by Alessandra Montrucchio triggered something in me. The book presented me with an occasion to move forward with my own personal take on the noir genre and make a film that was essential to me (in the sense that I couldn’t not make it), starting with its elements: a person, a voice, and a car. In the novel, the protagonists have no names and no past; I searched for those by rummaging through my own experiences, emotions, and fears. That’s how Irene and Pietro came to be. […] We in the audience experience every single instant: there are ellipses or time jumps. There is no rest in between. We’re always at Irene’s side, and she is there from the first to the last frame. […] In this race against time, as Irene’s car piles on the miles, we become witnesses not only to a physicl journey, but also an inner journey that is dream-like and cathartic.” (Manfredi Lucibello)
Manfredi Lucibello wrote and directed the short Storia di Nessuno in 2010. In 2013, his film Centoquaranta – La strage dimenticata, about the maritime disaster of the ship Moby Prince, premiered at the Festival dei Popoli and went on to triumph at the Bellaria Film Festival, receive the Silver Lily at Cinema FEDIC, and get shortlisted for the 20th annual Ilaria Alpi awards. In 2018, Lucibello made his first feature film, Tutte le mie notti, selected for Alice nella Città. The film received several awards, including a Silver Ribbon for Best Debut Actress for Benedetta Porcaroli. Four years later, his documentary Bice Lazzari – Il ritmo e l’ossessione bowed at the Rome Film Festival. In 2023, his film Non riattaccare made the competition lineup at the Torino Film Festival. This year, he was back at the Rome FilmFest with his new film Il complotto di Tirana.
2024 Il complotto di Tirana (doc)
2023 Non riattaccare
2022 Bice Lazzari – Il ritmo e l’ossessione (doc)
2018 Tutte le mie notti
2015 Il paese perduto (doc)
2013 Centoquaranta – La strage dimenticata (doc)
2010 Storia di nessuno (short)