1976. Death threats force Maria, a Guatemalan rebel activist fighting against the corrupt military dictatorship, to flee to Mexico, leaving her son behind. Ten years later, when he comes to live with her, she is forced to choose between her duties as a mother and continuing her revolutionary activism.
César Diaz
Virginie Surdej
Alain Dessauvage
Rémi Boubal
Bruno Schweisguth
Charles de Ville
Gilles Bénardeau
production design
Pilar Peredo
Sabrina Riccardi
Bérénice Béjo (Maria)
Matheo Labbé (Marco)
Leonardo Ortizgris (Miguel)
Julieta Egurrola (Eugenia)
Delphine Schmit
Géraldine Sprimont
Anne-Laure Guégan
Need Productions
France TV
Shelter Prod
associate productions
YK Well Enterprise
world sales
Bac Dilms / Goodfellas

“I was born in 1978, during the civil war in Guatemala. My mother was involved in the struggle against the dictatorship and had to go into exile in Mexico when I was three years old. She did it for her own safety, but also in order to carry on the struggle. I remained in Guatemala with my grandmother. This is why I never was my mother’s son. I was my grandmother’s son, and I saw my mother as a friend, as a big sister. I never doubted her love for me, but I needed her presence, and she just couldn’t give it to me. […] I chose to set the story in 1986, the year of the World Cup in Mexico. That year is part of my childhood memories and offers an interesting contrast between the joyous popular atmosphere and the difficulties faced by the revolutionary militants. 1986 was also a pivotal year for Guatemala: the authorities had proclaimed an amnesty law which allowed the resistance fighters to surrender without punishment, as long as they collaborated with the government. Many militants who had grown tired of the struggle returned to Guatemala. Later, we learned that the government manipulated these reformed militants in order to strike the resistance even harder.” (César Diaz)
After studying in Mexico and Belgium, César Diaz (Guatemala, 1978) joined the script workshop at FEMIS in Paris. For over ten years, he has been editing fiction films and documentaries. Between 2020 and 2014, he also directed the short documentaries Semillas de cenizas, which have been shown at some twenty international festivals, and Territorio liberado, winner of the IMCINE prize in Mexico. Our Mothers, selected for the 58th Critics’ Week at Cannes and awarded the Caméra d’Or 2019, was his first feature-length narrative film.
2024 Mexico 86
2019 Nuestras madres
2014 Territorio liberado
2010 Semillas de cenizas