A mystery named Cormac McCarthy
A masterclass by Adrian Wootton on the world-class author of the novel Blood Meridian and other contemporary masterpieces was held at IULM. An article by Zoe Benatti
A masterclass by Adrian Wootton on the world-class author of the novel Blood Meridian and other contemporary masterpieces was held at IULM. An article by Zoe Benatti
Donato Carrisi and Gianni Canova present their novels, L’educazione delle farfalle and Palpebre, respectively. An article by Cristina Diaferia
Daniel Pennac, winner of the 2023 Raymond Chandler Award, took the IULM stage for a chat with students and teachers, warning them against moralizing
Giancarlo De Cataldo presents his new novel, Colpo di ritorno. An article by Cristina Diaferia
Harald Gilbers, in a talk with Gianfranco De Cataldo, presents his new novel Trümmertote. Article by Cristina Diaferia
Jaume Balagueró, Veronica Lucchesi, and Paul McEvoy will be choosing the best film on the international lineup. It falls to Brando De Sica, Nicole Bianchi, and Maurizio Di Rienzo to pick the winner of the Caligari Prize. Guests galore at an event sporting films, books, and music, from Manzoni’s day to rap and the graphic novel
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