400 Days: Tightrope Walkers and Maestros
A talk with Daniele Orazi
A conversation with Daniel Pennac
The latest winner of the Raymond Chandler Award sits down with Stefano Bartezzaghi and Noir audiences at IULM
A talk with the filmmakers vying for the Caligari Prize
A winner in the offing, and an occasion to compare notes on genre cinema in Italy
Cormac McCarthy and cinema
A masterclass with Adrian Wootton
Daniel Pennac signs copies of Terminus Malaussène
The French author, 2023 Raymond Chandler Award winner, signs copies of his latest novel, the last installment in the celebrated Malaussène series
Daniel Pennac to receive the 2023 Raymond Chandler at awards ceremony
The moment has finally arrived: the author of the Malaussène series will be handed the famous Brasher Doubloon. Giancarlo De Cataldo is host
Gabriele Salvatores opens up at Noir
A conversation with Paola Jacobbi and Gianni Canova
Lo stato delle anime
The new film project by Peter Marcias, based on the novel by Giorgio Todde
Manzoni and noir
The case of Marianna De Leyva Her story, the stories, and the investigations

Jointly organized with the Casa Manzoni and the Centro Nazionale Studi Manzoniani. Conceived and coordinated by Cinzia Masòtina and Marina Fabbri
The 2023 Awards Ceremony
Eight films in the running for the Black Panther. The verdict is up to Jaume Balagueró, Veronica Lucchesi, and Paul McEvoy. Six Italian films are vying for the Caligari Prize, the winner chosen by Brando De Sica, Nicole Bianchi, and Maurizio Di Rienzo
The music of Noir and the vinyl albums in Diabolik
A talk with Pivio & Aldo De Scalzi. Moderated by Gianni Canova