The date to save is Tuesday, December 6th at 6pm at CinéMagenta63, for the screening of Quai d’Orsay
On Sunday, December 4th, at 2:30 pm, at the Cineteca Milano Arlecchino, the new artwork by Pietro Finelli and his short film will be presented by the contemporary art critic Marco Eugenio Di Giandomenico.
Creating a video game
On Monday, December 5, at 3 pm, at IULM 6, Sala dei 146. A talk with storyteller, game designer and musician Daniele Fusetto. Jointly arranged with QAcademy.
Discovering Quentin Tarantino
On Sunday, December 4th, at 9 pm at IULM 6, Sala dei 146. An evening event packed with images, reminiscences, discoveries, and a surprise guest.
From film to video games, round trip
On Tuesday, December 6th, at 12 noon, at IULM 6, Sala dei 146. A talk with Francesco Toniolo from the Catholic University of Milan and Gemma Fantacci, a PhD student in Visual and Media Studies, IULM. Giorgio Gosetti will be moderating. Jointly arranged with QAcademy.
From novels to TV series: Harlan Coben
On Monday, December 5th, at 12:15 pm, at IULM 6, Sala dei 146. The winner of the 2022 Raymond Chandler Award takes the stage to talk with host Adrian Wootton.
Masters of film noir: Jules Dassin
On Friday, December 5th, at 11 am, at IULM 1, Aula Marconi: a masterclass held by Adrian Wootton.
Re Noir. I colori del giallo
On Sunday, December 4th, at 10 am, at Rizzoli Galleria. Live on Rai Radio 1. Stefano Tura presents.
The 2022 Black Panther Award ceremony
On Thursday, December 8th at 9 pm at the Cineteca Milano Arlecchino, Noir in Festival comes to a close with the announcement of the best film noir in the International Competition.
The 2022 Caligari Prize award ceremony
On Wednesday, December 7th, at 9 pm at the Cineteca Milano Arlecchino, the best Italian film noir of the year is announced.
The 2022 Raymond Chandler Award Ceremony
On Monday, December 5th, at 7 pm, at the Cineteca Milano Arlecchino. Harlan Coben will be receiving the celebrated Brasher Doubloon.
The boot is giallo: Italy as seen through crime detection
Tuesday, December 6th, at 2:30 pm at IULM 1, Aula Seminari. A roundtable featuring Paola Barbato, Gianni Biondillo, Donato Carrisi, Giancarlo De Cataldo, Alessandro Robecchi, and Grazia Verasani. Coordinated by Alessandro Perissinotto. Marina Fabbri will be taking part.
The finalists for the 2022 Caligari Prize meet the festival’s audiences
On Tuesday, December 6th, at 5 pm at IULM 6, Sala dei 146. Six films are vying for the honor of best Italian film noir of the year. A chance for fans to dialogue with the directors on the Caligari Prize shortlist.
The finalists for the 2022 Scerbanenco Award and the Readers’ Award
On Saturday, December 3rd, at 6:30 pm, at Casa Manzoni, with Cecilia Scerbanenco and the jurors.
Towards an Atlas of the Mystery Genre. Cross-media paths through the imaginary world of crime
On Tuesday, December 6th, at 10:30, at IULM 1, Aula Seminari. A roundtable organized by Link Campus University, the University of Bologna, the University of Florence, the G. D’Annunzio Chieti – Pescara University, and IULM University. Coordinated by Gianni Canova with Giorgior Gosetti taking part.