Andrea Purgatori sets off on a perilous journey to uncover the unspeakable secrets of cybercrime, the financial and health sectors, and internet extortion

There’s a secret door in the vast ocean of the Web; on the other side, those who have the keys to that door will find a world of illegal dealings, blackmail, crypto- currencies, and criminal transfers that are hitting the headlines more and more. Author and journalist Andrea Purgatori is our guide on a dangerous journey, out to uncover the unspeakable secrets of cybercrime, the financial and health sectors, and internet extortion. He works hand-in-glove with two special “detectives”: General Umberto Rapetto, expert on economic and technocrime; and Alessandro Curioni, professor of cyber-security at Milan’s Cattolica University. This is a one-of-a-kind event that is certain to point the way to the new frontiers of the crime film and crime fiction genres; it also reflects the theme of Noir in Festival this year, as seen in its poster: an investigator of the impossible immersed in virtual reality. Catch it on Monday, December 13th, at 11:30 am.