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  Festa di piazza
by Gian Mauro Costa
  Working occasional odd jobs, Enzo Baiamonte, the atypical detective of Libro di legno, is hired to take care of the lights for the procession of the Madonna Addolorata in his Palermo neighborhood. As usual, his overactive imagination makes him obsess about a possible crime, but amid the rowdy comings and goings of extended families, small storefronts, noisy courtyards and neighborhood festivals, mystery becomes reality.
Gian Mauro Costa (Palermo, 1952), a crime correspondent for Palermo’s L’Ora newspaper, currently works for the regional RAI station. He is a correspondent for Il Manifesto and a regular contributor to Linus. He has made documentaries, reportages and fictional work for television. Two of his videos won the Sole Blu Prize at the Festival Internazionale Teatro Televisione Video in Riccione. Sellerio has published his novels Yesterday (2001) and Il libro di legno (2010 Scerbanenco Prize finalist), the first novel featuring Enzo Baiamonte; and the short story “La mossa del geco” in the anthology Natale in giallo (2011).

11/12/2012  ore 17:30
Jardin de l'Ange
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