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  Il tribunale delle anime  
Donato Carrisi
Rome is plagued by a heavy, incessant rain. In a historic cafe, near Piazza Navona, two men are examining the same file. A girl has disappeared. She may have been kidnapped but if she's alive time is running out. One of the two men, Clemente, is the guide. The other is Marcus, a hunter in the dark, trained to recognize anomalies, to unearth evil and reveal its hidden face. Only he can save her but, rubbing the scar on his temple, he is tormented by doubt. How can he solve the case just a few months after an accident that wiped out his memory? As a photographer for the crime scene unit, Sandra is trained to recognize details that are out of place and seek out clues. But there's something out of place in her personal life as well. And she's obsessing over it. When Marcus' and Sandra's paths cross, they will discover a secret and terrible world in Rome's underbelly.

Donato Carrisi (Martina Franca, 1973) graduated in Law with a thesis on Luigi Chiatti (the 'monster of Foligno'), later specializing in criminology and behavioral science. In 1999 he began writing for film and television, including the screenplay to Nassiriya - Prima della fine (Canale 5), and the film story and screenplay of the mini-series thriller Era mio fratello (Raiuno). His debut novel, Il suggeritore (2009), was a best-seller and was printed in 11 editions and translated into 19 languages.
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