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  "Mani Nude" wins Scerbanenco Prize  
Paola Barbato’s Mani Nude has won the 2008 Giorgio Scerbanenco Prize.

The literature jury – comprising Nico Orengo (president), Valerio Calzolaio, Loredana Lipperini, Carlo Oliva, Gianfranco Orsi, Sergio Pent, Cecilia Scerbanenco, Sebastiano Triulzi, John Vignola and Lia Volpatti – gave the following motivation:

“The novel powerfully depicts a dark and alternative reality made up of underground violence and marginalized destinies and is characterized by dark and claustrophobic writing that presses upon the page like a lead cloak from which the characters cannot escape. In its intense paroxysm the novel outlines the coordinates of a world in which the everyday becomes a mirage that the characters do not even attempt to reach from the depths of their violent delirium.”

The jury also gave a Special Mention to Tommaso Pincio’s Cinacittà for a “plot that mixes the sense of loss and fear of our present through powerfully incisive writing.”