by Ilaria Tuti

A man is found dead in the woods on an icy December day. The case is handed to Teresa Battaglia, a police inspector specialized in profiling, a job which sees her analyze the worst human instincts day in and day out, while she herself harbors a secret she can never confess, one that is crucial to her personal life and her career. In the fictional village Travenì high in the mountains, Teresa pursues a killer whose modus operandi is so inhuman it staggers the imagination, yet tidily ritualistic at the same time.

Ilaria Tuti lives in Gemona del Friuli, near Udine, where she was born in 1976. She dreamed of being a photographer yet studied economics; she loves the sea, yet lives in the mountains. She loves painting as well, and illustrates books for a small publisher in her free time. She’s a big fan of Donato Carrisi’s novels. In 2014 she won the Gran Giallo Città di Cattolica Prize for her short stories.
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03/12/2018 h 18:30Feltrinelli Piazza Duomo