The six finalists for the 2018 Caligari Prize

Now on its second edition, the Caligari Prize is awarded to the best film noir of the year. This year six films will be vying for the honor: Una storia senza nome (The Stolen Caravaggio) by Roberto Andò, Sulla mia pelle (On My Skin) by Alessio Cremonini, La terra dell’abbastanza (Boys Cry) by the D’Innocenzo brothers, Respiri by Alfredo Fiorillo, Dogman by Matteo Garrone and Ride by Jacopo Rondinelli. The six titles were selected by Gianni Canova, who created the competition, and Giorgio Gosetti.

The feature films will be screened from December 3 to 5 in Milan at the IULM, introduced by the filmmaker and/or cast members. The winner will be selected by a people’s jury made up of college students and film lovers and headed by a president assisted by two film critics. The final verdict will be announced, with the winner on hand for the event, on December 6 at the Teatro Sociale in Como.
The Caligari Prize is a joint collaboration between Noir and Istituto Luce - Cinecittà.

"For some time now," declares Gianni Canova, "I’ve been saying that festivals should also be reappraising and rediscovering good films that are already out there, and not just launch a frenzied search for the next best thing. So I’m pleased that - just as with the Giorgio Scerbanenco Award for fiction - the Italian film industry has a golden opportunity to showcase quality with a popular touch at Noir in Festival and the IULM University. It’s one more way our university shows it’s alert to new trends and the best of cinema today."

The inspired idea of placing our bets on Italy’s auteur cinema and genre films combined, which came out of IULM a year ago, at the urging of Gianni Canova, quickly took root, and the Caligari Prize has earned every bit of its recognition," Giorgio Gosetti observes. "It’s marvelous that the name of the award itself recalls a true auteur filmmaker, an outsider, yet key to our film heritage. It’s significant, too, that the jury involves both well-known international directors and young people with their fresh, original and entirely cosmopolitan outlook. For all these reasons, the Festival joins IULM, with the collaboration of Istituto Luce - Cinecittà, in entrusting the selection of the best film noir of the year to a genuine people’s jury full of youthful energy."
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