At Noir In Festival
curated by Nathalie Giacobino
edited by David Paparozzi

We knew the Archives of the Istituto Luce could pull practically anything out of their hat, but we never thought that this unique treasure representing the memory and visual history of the 20th century could also predict the future and its dystopias, the underlying theme of the 2017 Noir in Festival.

Yet the esteemed institution that a sharp observer once called "the Internet of the 1900s" has thrown us for a loop once more, generously providing us with these glimpses of science fiction, brief clips of footage from its archives that speak of future worlds and precede the screenings of the films in Noir’s International Competition. Over the years, Luce has also documented one of the most prolific factories of dystopias in Italy: Cinecittà.

Le avventure straordinarissime di Saturnino Farandola
by Marcel Fabre (Italy, 1913)

La nave dell’universo (The Launching of Spaceship 1)
by Anton Kutter (Germany, 1940, 11’ 41’’)
Screening on Sunday, December 3 at 8:30 pm,  IULM Auditorium

by Giovanni Passante (Italy, 1954, 7’ 40’’)

Italia - È di scena la fantascienza a Cinecittà: Si gira New York chiama Superdrago
by Giorgio Ferroni (Italy, 1965, 1’ 32’’)

Italia - Due donne e cinque uomini in una allucinante avventura spaziale in Missione Hydra: Si gira 2+5 Missione Hydra
by Pietro Francisci (Italy, 1966, 2’ 09’’)


03/12/2017 h 20:30IULM - Auditorium