Luca D’Andrea wins the 2017 Scerbanenco Award

Luca D’Andrea’s Lissy (Einaudi) has won the 2017 Giorgio Scerbananco Award. The jury issued the following statement: "An original example of noir fiction hinging on the natural setting, in which the Alps, main characters of the novel as well, hide ancient fears and threats, in a paranoic exploration of the darkest secrets of provincial Italy." The award itself is a portrait of Giorgio Scerbanenco by artist Andrea Ventura.

Born in Bolzano, D’Andrea beat out the four other finalists Marcello Fois, (Del dirsi addio, Einaudi), Bruno Morchio, (Un piede in due scarpe, Rizzoli), Elena Mearini (È stato breve il nostro lungo viaggio, Cairo) and Romano De Marco, (L’uomo di casa, Piemme) for the top honor, while De Marco won the Readers’ Award for the title with the most votes on the festival website.

The Literary Jury, composed of Cecilia Scerbanenco (President), Valerio Calzolaio, Luca Crovi, Loredana Lipperini, Sergio Pent, Sebastiano Triulzi, and John Vignola, also gave a Special Mention to Un piede in due scarpe, declaring: "The novel deserves a special mention because it uses the traumatic dynamics between the characters to lend a noirish psychological slant to the troubles of an enigmatic city such as Genoa."