From Friday 9 to Sunday 11 december, in Como open meeting with the guests of the day.
On Friday, December 9, at 3:30 pm in Como, the final session.
Dashiell Hammett Progenitor of Pulp Fiction. By Adrian Wootton.
On Wednesday, December 14, at 10.30 am (IULM - Aula 146), a masterclass held by the writer of Il maestro delle ombre and the screenwriter of Il muro di gomma.
On Wednesday, December 14, at 11.30 am (IULM - Aula 146), a talk with the director our Flies on Grey Velvet.
Eight film noir you either love or hate. Then eight teams of three contestants each. At the start of each match one of the eight films that will fought over is drawn by lot. One team is for the film, the other is against.
A roundtable on journalism and noir fiction. December 13th at 10:30 a.m., IULM - Auditorium. Speakers: Carlo Bonini, Piero Colaprico, Gianluca Ferraris, Carlo Lucarelli, Fabrizio Roncone. Moderators: Gaetano Savatteri and Barbara Sorrentini.