Scuola Holden - The Film Garage

Film Garage is a Creative Europe MEDIA workshop workshop created by Scuola Holden in partnership with NISI MASA, with the collaboration of Noir In Festival and Frontières.
The Film Garage is focused on genre movies (thriller, horror, crime, black comedy, noir and road movies) with the aim of helping the participants work on their projects and resolve underlying script problems.
We will select nine writers’ scripts that suffer from using cliché in an unimaginative way and need an expert eye to work on these problems.
The selected projects will have a full inspection at The Film Garage to check their roadworthiness and prepare them for the road to production.

Target & Goals
The Film Garage is designed for professional scriptwriters. The main goals are:
- to improve writing skills of the participant;
- to reinforce stories and scripts of genre films;
- to enhance the ability to pitch;
- to create stronger ties with the European film industry;
- to empower a network of relationships among professional working in the same film genre field.

The Structure
Five sessions
1) First session: Bruxelles, 30th March - 3rd April 2016. A five day meeting focusing on the projects in the workshop. A panel of European professionals active in the film genre industry will advise the participants on the target audience of the projects, address the weak aspects of the story and strengthen the script’s potential. During this session all the participants will work on the projects divided into three different groups coordinated by the three tutors: Alberto Marini for horrors and thrillers, Luke Schiller for crime and noir stories, Lucian Georgescu for black comedies and road movies.
2) Online sessions: from April to June 2016 the participants will work on the development of their script, with online support via Skype and email.
3) Intermediate session: Turin, July 2016. The participants will meet the tutors in two days of intensive story editing.
4) Online sessions: from July to November 2016 the participants will work on the development of their treatment, with online support via Skype and email.
5) Final presentation: Como, December 2016. In the final session, participants will attend a training pitching and present their projects in front of a panel of carefully selected genre producers.

Deadline: 19th February 2016
For more information:


09/12/2016 h 15:30Chiostro di Sant'Abbondio