Non mi dire chi sei. Il caso Giuditta

Milan, the summer of 1962. In the midst of Italy’s postwar economic boom, lawyer Greta Morandi and detective Mario Longoni (aka Marlon), seem to have a fairly clearcut case on their hands. Giuditta, a girl who’s come to Milan from a provincial backwater to seek her fortune, finding work in a large haberdasher’s shop near Porta Venezia, has suddenly disappeared. Her mother turns to Greta for help, backed up by countess Valsecchi, a retiring noblewoman from Milan. Marlon sets out on the girl’s trail, first in Vedano Olona, where she was born, then in Milan itself, checking out nightclubs, boxing gyms and aristocratic residences. In a city literally torn up for the construction of the new subway, its criminal underworld undergoing a sea change as well, the pair of detectives starts to get in way too deep on an increasingly sinister case.

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    10/12/2016 h 11:00Teatro sociale di Como - Sala bianca
    with the partecipation of the SULUTUMANA
    presented by Valerio Calzolaio