El hombre de las mil caras - Smoke & Mirrors
Spain, 2016, 123’, color, DCP

Francisco Paesa, one of the most intriguing characters of recent decades, has been a businessman, a Swiss banker, an international arms dealer, gigolo, playboy, diplomat, adventurer, con man and secret agent: a spy. In 1995 Luis Roldán and his wife hire his services to conceal 1,500 million pesetas embezzled from the public coffers. With the help of Jesús Camoes, his inseparable partner, he sets up a brilliant operation where truth and lies have hazy borders.

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    12/12/2016 h 20:00cinema Anteo - sala 400
    guest: one of the main actors

    14/12/2016 h 17:00IULM - Auditorium