XXIV edition
9/14 December 2014

Our big 25th anniversary is not far off
With the under-the-wire
victory of Black Sea, directed by Kevin Macdonald
and starring Jude Law (scheduled for Italian release on
February 26, distributed by Notorious Pictures), and a special award
for Gabriele Salvatores, whose latest film is this year’s
The Invisible Boy, the 24th edition of Courmayeur Noir
in Festival has wrapped up for 2014. The final night’s glittering
awards ceremony culminated in the announcement that the Black Lion
was going to Black Sea, with an array of guests in
every cinematic shade of noir on hand, from the "Simenonesque"
band of the Bébé Donge, with their songs filled with familiar
madcap crimes, to Maria Pia Calzone (Gomorrah icon and
star of the hottest new TV series).More surprises were to be
in store for the festival’s grand finale, with the Italian
"premiere" of the short thriller with a humanitarian mission,
Remember by Federico Zampaglione, and the
international premiere of the auteur restoration of a masterpiece
like Blade Runner - The Final Cut by Ridley Scott,
which will hit European theaters next spring."As editions go, this
one was as difficult as it was marvelous," agree directors Giorgio
Gosetti and Marina Fabbri, "dominated by the true heavyweights in
the genre, such as Jeffery Deaver, Carlo Lucarelli, Dario Argento,
Gabriele Salvatores, Gianrico Carofiglio and Roberto Costantini,
winners of the Scerbanenco Award.""We’ll be back next
year, from December 8th to the 13th," Gosetti goes on, "to
celebrate our twenty-fifth anniversary, a sort of ‘silver wedding
anniversary’ that we hope to celebrate in the inimitable setting of
Courmayeur, our venue of choice. There will be many changes and a
whole new look for the occasion, since our festival keeps pace with
the times and needs to renew itself and rejuvenate itself constantly.
We’re fully aware that public funding and private investments are
still highly problematic, especially in entertainment and culture at
large. But we trust in our political leaders’ farsightedness and
vision and our sponsors’ intelligence. So we are definitely up for
new challenges and we stand by the power of our brand."