XXIV edition
9/14 December 2014


Everybody’s Rules

Gianrico Carofiglio
, finalist and this year’s winner of the Scerbanenco Award for his Una mutevole verità, was also in Courmayeur to present his newest book, La regola dell’equilibrio. That title was chosen by the author even before he started writing the novel featuring the lawyer Guido Guerrieri, because "it had to do with what I wanted to say".

The novel revolves around a friend of Guerrieri’s, a judge who’s about to see his promising career cut short by a corruption case, if he is found guilty. Above and beyond the plot, though, the book is also an opportunity for Carofiglio to ponder universal ethical issues, especially the system of rules that we are all willing to follow, yet are just as willing to justify ourselves when we hypocritically, or even criminally, forgive ourselves for breaking even one of those rules, when we wouldn’t forgive anyone else for doing the same thing.

During his talk, moderated by Sebastiano Triulzi, Carofiglio also seized the occasion to announce his next book, Con parole precise, in which he dwells on the need to seek clarity in writing, which is not be confused with efficacy.