XXIV edition
9/14 December 2014

  Chandler Awards

I cerchi nell’acqua

Police commissioner Morando gets on with the job at hand without expecting to be patted on the back or promoted, but he takes his commitment seriously. The cases that come his way each day are the ones that really happen in today’s cities, with growing social unrest and money being so short. Morando is not infallible and chases his share of red herrings, but he views the world with the curious, alert gaze of a would-be philosopher, given to justifications and appraisals. New acquaintances he makes during this investigation include a transexual, a swindler, and even mobsters with their lives of crime. Morandi’s persistance leads him to places no one ever thought to look, but it’s all in a day’s work for him. He knows that luck has a hand in his success and cultivates his own garden, as the Stoics used to invite us to do.

Michele Lo Foco is a lawyer specialized in business law, a mystery writer and a poet, and is constantly involved in numerous activities related to communications, entertainment and the arts. He writes articles and reports on administrative and economic issues particularly concerning the film and television industry. His novels include Vite da non morire mai (2004), La quinta vittima (2005), Ansia and Troppo bella per vivere (2007) and Conversazione sul non esserci (2011). In 2013 he co-wrote, with Raffaella Cropanese, Il diritto d’autore, published by Narcissus.me, which won the Meccoli Prize for best e-book devoted to film of the year. With his new thriller I cerchi nell’acqua, Lo Foco has re-enlisted Commissioner Morando for a new mission.



13/12/2014 h 17:30Jardin de l'Ange
presented by Giorgio Gosetti